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MONO presentan en Barcelona su docu-film en un exclusivo pre-estreno en tan solo 3 ciudades europeas.
Grabado enteramente en España, la proyección incluye el concierto que la banda dio en septiembre de 2022 en Madrid.
En exclusiva para esta premiere, proyectaremos “i Häxa - part 1” (@i_haxa), antes del docu-film de MONO.
Aforo limitado a 50 personas.
MONO are pleased to announce that our new narrative-fusion live music film, in collaboration with the Spanish film collective Alison, will be premiered in the US and Mexico.
The story takes place around a young woman who awakens from a strange omen. The visions of the end of time and desolation; a figure wanders around until it lies dead. This anomalous sensation guides the young girl through a city to a place where she will find peace she longed for. MONO’s music accompanies this mourner’s pilgrimage through dreams and time.
The film was shot in its entirety in Spain, featuring a full live performance from our 11th album European Tour 2022 in Madrid.
For the European premiere, there will be a special opening of “i Häxa - part 1” (@i_haxa), which will also be an advance music film premiere.
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