Envy + Bossk en Barcelona
Event s envy barcelona2

Envy + Bossk en Barcelona

Organitzat per: Aloud Music

Sala Boveda. Carrer de Roc Boronat, 33, Veure mapa Sala Boveda. Carrer de Roc Boronat, 33,

Venda online tancada.

Per a més informació pregunti a l'organitzador de l'esdeveniment.

Les dades de l'organitzador estan a l'apartat "Organitzat per".

Detall de l'esdeveniment

ENVY y BOSSK en Barcelona!

Política d'accés

En aquest cas el promotor no ha especificat la política d'accés a menors, si tens qualsevol dubte, t'animem et posis en contacte directament amb ell.


Opinions (9) 9 Opinions

Va assistir el 17/10/2022 OPINIÓ VERIFICADA
El público de barcelona da asco
La sala estaba llena de gente qué solo iba a hablar al concierto, sin parar. Para eso vete a tu puta casa a dar la turra y dejar a los demás disfrutar del concierto. En las partes instrumentales se escuchaba más al público que a la banda.
Va assistir el 17/10/2022 OPINIÓ VERIFICADA
I arrived just before 10:30 pm and door staff said the concert was ending then sent me to a kind of side window to exchange my ticket for an entry stamp before i could enter. After waiting for staff at the side window for a while a guy finally arrived but then refused to check me into he venue as he insisted the event was ended. It was not 10:30pm yet and he decided for me that my event was not worth their time. There is no band stage times listed nor printed anywhere on the ticket or info. I insisted the entry was paid for and they should honour it but he was hellbent against having my custom. I enquired about a refund then, since it is his choice to refuse entry, he also refused to refund my ticket. By now people did start to go out from the Venue. As i was there to review the venue and not the band i intended to see it regardless of concert times. My review for my publication has been handed in to the editors and there is nothing in it about the venue, since i did not see it, and all about the experience and attitudes encountered. Venue is not recommended. They do not honur prepaid entrance and they do not treat customers with any respect nor decency nor intelligence. Especially female customers.
Va assistir el 17/10/2022 OPINIÓ VERIFICADA
Concierto de Envy para recordar
Va assistir el 17/10/2022 OPINIÓ VERIFICADA
Va assistir el 17/10/2022 OPINIÓ VERIFICADA
Els grups bé....
Els grups genials. La sala menys. A la web no posava que no es podia entrar amb una mochilla (buida) i el segurata a més de fer el chulo també s'ha posat a llegir el cartell que havia a la porta. Però clar, quan compro las entradas no vaig després a veure si a la sala hi han cartells amb proibicions absurdes. 2 euro regalats al Bóveda per una mochilla buida al guardarroba.
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